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40 years of delivering quality timber building
RJ Joinery is dedicated to quality materials, products and just as importantly service levels to customers.
Director Roy James formed the company in November 2005 after working for stabling, joinery manufacturing and mail order companies.
RJ Joinery has gained over 40 years of knowledge from Roy’s experience in the industry.
RJ Joinery is dedicated to quality materials, products and just as importantly service levels to customers. Based in the Welsh border town of Hay-on-Wye we can supply a full range of products, including, stabling, garden buildings, accessories and hardware to most areas in the UK, Ireland and Europe.
RJ Joinery also offers a metal protection service to create a range of unique patterns to suit your every need.
Roy’s previous experience has allowed him to design, dispatch and project manage a stable complex for a stud farm in Turkey, as well as project managed new stabling at various race courses.
See our Contact page to get in touch.